With Support from Global Center on Cooperative Security and Carefronting Nigeria, Center for Faith and Community Development has introduced Peace Education Programs in Five (5) Schools in Bauchi, Bauchi State in Northern Nigeria. The strategic goal of the project is to prevent the radicalization of youth by strengthening the capacity of local citizens and community organizations through base-level psycho-social training and tools that foster peace and dialogue engagement to support successful rehabilitation and reintegration. Peer Education has been found to be a very effective means of reaching youths with appropriate and relevant peace information and education. In May 2019, with approval and support from the Bauchi State Ministry of Education, the Project commenced Peer Education Training in five (5) Schools in Bauchi State, namely:
Government Girls Secondary, Bauchi
Government Day Secondary School, Shadawanka (Army) Barracks, Bauchi
Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Bauchi
Fariah Foundation Secondary School, Bauchi
Divine International Secondary School, Bauchi
In order to sustain peer education activities in the selected Schools above, trained Peer Educators formed Peace Education Clubs (PEC). The Peace Education Clubs now meet weekly in each school to discuss peace initiatives and the building of coalitions for peacebuilding and violence prevention.