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CFCD supports Climate Change Awareness for Women in Nigeria

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

Center for Faith and Community Development (CFCD) partnered with Konesens Development to host Climate Change Awareness Session for Women in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria, on the 9th February 2024.

The drastic change in weather patterns has become a threat to human health, livelihood, safety and general well-being and the environment. Climate Change affects us all but it has greater impacts on women. Women face greater risk from the impact of climate change due to their existing roles and responsibilities.

In creating awareness and supporting women with knowledge on the impacts of Climate Change, Konesens Development in partnership with the Center for Faith and Community Development (CFCD) held an awareness session for women at Awa Cultural Village in Makurdi, Benue State.

The session aimed at providing women with knowledge on the impacts of Climate Change and help them adopt measures that would lessen the impact of climate change in their environment. The Climate Change Awareness Session was attended by twenty (25) participants.

The Awareness Session was facilitated by Patience Mkohol Terngu, the Community Partnership Coordinator for Konesens Development –NG and member of the Board of Trustees of Centre for Faith and Community Development (CFCD)

Participants took a pre-test to assess their understanding of the subject matter. To enhance learning, participants played a balloon game. This created a bonding and a more relaxed atmosphere which helped the women to connect with each other effortlessly.

The keynote speaker Mrs. Erdoo Adzer Detso, the Executive Director of Agro-Eco Sustenance Initiative Makurdi, Benue State spoke on the topic “The Impact of Climate Change on Women due to human activities”. She highlighted on understanding climate change, its effect on women and our environment and solutions.

Awa Agber  Ikeseh a custodian of African culture spoke on the importance of planting indigenous and common herbs that are beneficial to the well-being of women. She gifted each participant a plant of Kalanchoe Pinnata commonly known as Miracle Leaf.




© 2023. Centre for Faith and Community Development Initiative, formerly New Era Educational and Charitable Support Initiative (NEEDCSI). A Jos, Nigeria-based registered National Nonprofit, with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

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